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USPS® Coronavirus Updates for Residential Customers

FAQs specific to the Coronavirus situation and Postal Service™ continuity can be found here.

Nov 19, 2021FAQ
Article Number
Customer Information

The Postal Service™ is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and continues to follow strategies and measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health departments.

Hold Mail

How long will Caller Service mail be held?

Mail from the delivery route that cannot be delivered due to a business closure is returned to the delivery unit and will be held for up to 10 days. Customers can proactively request a temporary hold for their mail for up to 30 days. Caller Box customers should contact their local office to discuss how they will be handling the pickup of this volume. Any high-volume customer will be contacted to discuss pickup options as well.


*Updated 5/22/2020* - At what point does the Postal Service consider an international shipment "lost”?

The package must have a tracking/event scan to show it was received into our network, but if we don’t have a delivered or return to sender scan the package would be considered lost and eligible for a claim after 30 days. 

*Updated 5/27/2020* - If an international shipment traveled to the destination market but then went dark on scans and the shipment hasn’t been returned to sender, is it handled differently from a claims perspective than a shipment where the item never left the country and the tracking event went dark?

If the scan events show the package was received in the destination country but failed delivery the Foreign Post would be liable for the indemnity. We would pay the US customer and assign liability to the Foreign Post.

To begin the claims process, go to “File a Claim” (https://www.usps.com/help/claims.htm) and click "International Shipments" to submit an international inquiry online.

*Updated 5/27/2020* - Will International claims related to damages be honored?

Yes, the customer will need to take the damaged article to their local PO for inspection. The PO will complete a damage report PS Form 2856 to verify damage and forward it to Int’l Claims. Once received along with proof of value the claim will be adjudicated for the cost of the item or insured amount.

For additional information, go to “File a Claim” (https://www.usps.com/help/claims.htm) and look under “Damaged International Shipments”.

*Updated 5/27/2020* - If a shipment did not leave the country, and was damaged during the return process, will an international insurance claim be honored?

Yes, if the package was damaged while in our possession it will be honored if insured. See the FAQ on a damaged international article for instructions on how to submit a claim.

Can the Postal Service ensure both military and non-military voting ballots are delivered from foreign countries? 

The Postal Service is working with the Federal Election Commission, Military Postal administrators, and local election officials to ensure all military and non-military voting ballots are transmitted to the voters overseas and returned timely to the individual voting jurisdictions. This is a continuous process for the Postal Service to ensure all mailed votes are counted.

Is there a quarantine for international mail coming to the US and if so, how long?

The Postal Service is not embargoing mail coming into the United States. We have been notified by numerous international Posts that they are not allowing mail to enter or exit their countries. We have these alerts posted on our International page of the USPS Service Alerts website at https://about.usps.com/newsroom/service-alerts/international/welcome.htm


What are the latest updates for mailings to APO/DPO/FPOs? Are some not accepting mail?

Any changes to APO/DPO/FPOs can be found in the latest version of the Postal Bulletin found at https://about.usps.com/resources/postal-bulletin.htm


During COVID-19 is it possible to complete PO Box customer verification through email? 

The Postal Service does not plan to provide this verification at this time.

What is the Postal Service’s procedure for picking up mail from a Postal Service pickup box at an office that has closed due to COVID-19 before collection?

Postal Service employees will follow CDC guidelines while collecting mail and packages.  

CDC states there is still a lot that is unknown about COVID-19 and how the virus spreads. Coronaviruses are thought to be spread primarily through airborne respiratory droplets resulting from a sneeze, cough, or ordinary speech. Although the virus can survive for a short period on some surfaces, both CDC and the United States Surgeon General have indicated that it is unlikely to be spread from domestic or international mail, products, or packaging.

How do I find out if my Post Office™ or another postal facility is closed or has reduced hours?

Postal operations are constantly changing based on employee availability. The most up-to-date status of a Post Office can be found through the PO Locator and Service Alerts.


How will claims be handled during this period? Will there be a single point of contact?

Customers who are required to bring damaged articles to their local post offices to have their claims approved will now have 90 days instead of 30 days. There are no changes to where or how to submit your claims. 



Passport customers who apply for routine service may have to wait up to 14 weeks from the day an application is submitted to the day a new passport is received.

Customers who apply for optional expedited service (for an additional $60) may have to wait up to 10 weeks from the day an application is submitted to the day a new passport is received.

The Department of State suggests you:

  • Plan and apply early.
  • Send your application to us via trackable mail, so you can track your application before it enters the Department’s system. This can be done whether applying at an acceptance facility or by mail.
  • Pay an extra $17.56 for 1-2 day delivery for the return of your completed passport.

To learn more about current passport operations, visit the Department of State's website or contact the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778.

Effective 3/25/2020


What is the USPS Statement on Congressional Stimulus Package?

Read the full statement here.

News reports indicate that if mail volume declines significantly due to the Coronavirus, that USPS may have to cease operations. Please address how the USPS plans to maintain operations.

Read the full USPS Statement on the Congressional Stimulus Package here

Essential Government Services

Are the Postal Service and its mailing and shipping partners essential government services?


The following provides information regarding the functions being performed by the mailing and printing industry in support of the essential government services being provided by the United States Postal Service to the American people.

The Postal Service’s provision of postal services throughout the United States is not affected by State and local government actions that are restricting commercial and personal activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Postal Service is an entity of the Federal Government, and the provision of postal services to the American people is designated as an essential function under federal law during times of emergency. The postal system is used to deliver, among other things, important governmental information and benefits, mail that is essential to the functioning of our economy, elections materials, and packages containing vital necessities, including medicines and other goods, and is a part of the nation’s critical infrastructure.

Postal and shipping workers, including those in the private sector, are also considered essential critical infrastructure workers under recent guidance issued by the Department of Homeland Security. White House and CDC guidance has also stated that such industries have a special responsibility to maintain normal work schedules.

The functioning of the postal system depends critically on the mailing and printing industry. Members of the mailing and printing industry work with the public and private sector to create, print and enter essential mail into the postal system.

Will a signed version of the Essential Government Services letter be forthcoming?

The USPS has received many requests for a “signed” document expressing that the USPS and its suppliers are essential government services. The USPS legal team currently is evaluating the request to have a signed letter by a USPS official verifying that information. Mailers, MSPs, and other suppliers currently are advised to use the Industry Alert issued on March 23, 2020, as official documentation.  

Mailing & Shipping

What happens to the packages that are shipped to a domestic, international, or APO/FPO/DPO address that is destined to an area that has now been closed due to COVID-19? Will the packages be held or returned to the sender?

We have been notified by numerous international Posts that they are not allowing mail to enter or exit their countries. If mail to a certain country is being returned, we will post an alert on our International page of the USPS Service Alerts website at https://about.usps.com/newsroom/service-alerts/international/welcome.htm

Can you purchase USPS Postage Stamps online?

The Postal Store on USPS.com can be used to purchase USPS Postage online.

Can blood spot testing kits be sent through the mail? 

Testing kits for various uses routinely are sent through the mail. Blood spot testing would fall under the Pub 52 section on Infectious Substances that requires the mailer to use measures to triple package any such test.

Will the Post Office be open for mailing Certified letters or is this currently on hold?

The Postal Service continues to deliver Certified letters and has modified Signature Services procedures.

How has the virus impacted service standards to date?

See USPS® Coronavirus Updates: Expected Delivery Changes.

Can I ship hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes?

To ship hand sanitizers including wipes, you must use USPS Retail Ground, Parcel Select, or Parcel Select Lightweight. These services are only available through your local Post Office™ branch.

Most hand sanitizers, including wipes, contain alcohol and are flammable and are therefore handled and shipped as hazardous matter (HAZMAT) in the US Mail™. As flammable materials, these products are limited to surface transportation only in domestic mail. It is prohibited to send these materials by International Mail including APO/FPO/DPO (military) destinations.

If you are unsure whether or not the product that you are shipping is flammable, please check with the manufacturer of the product before mailing.

Additional Resources
Publication 52-Hazardous, Restricted and Perishable Mail Packaging Instructions 3A 


Would it be possible to have the USPS National Map have a layer of data that would show what areas/states are under “stay at home”, “shelter in place” orders?  

Thank you for this suggestion. Our Geospatial team has added this layer to our USPS National Map found at https://uspstools.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/b4cff3aa546947e4812a233459b0b514

Now that the CDC is recommending everyone wear a face covering will the USPS be requiring the carriers to do so? If USPS is not requiring carriers to do so, can an explanation be provided?  

The Postal Service has revised its guidelines concerning cloth face coverings and masks for its workforce. All Postal Service employees are now required to wear cloth face coverings or masks where they are mandatory in support of local or state face-covering directives or orders and in all facilities where social distancing cannot be maintained.

In addition to face coverings and social distancing, Postal employees are advised to follow these CDC recommended prevention methods:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Stay home when sick.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use a 60-percent or higher alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Updated per Industry Alert 4/21/20 

If business mailers have consumers that are concerned about any virus concerns in their mailbox, what is the USPS suggestion for consumers when handling physical mail delivered to their business/home location? What can businesses share with their consumers also?

Current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidance continues to indicate there is no evidence the virus is spreading through the mail. According to WHO, the likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low, and the risk of catching the virus from a package that has been moved, traveled, and exposed to different conditions and temperatures is also low. This guidance remains true for mail transport equipment. 

Is there anything the Postal Service is doing for employees to mitigate consumer interaction or supporting retail clerks to minimize risk with customers? 

The United States Postal Service has a dedicated COVID-19 Command Response leadership team that is focusing on the employee, operational, business, and customer continuity during this unprecedented pandemic. We continue to follow the strategies and measures recommended by CDC and public health departments. CDC has information available on its website, coronavirus.gov, to provide the latest information about COVID-19. 

To reduce health risks, we also are temporarily modifying customer signature capture procedures. While maintaining a safe, appropriate distance, employees will request the customer’s first initial and last name so that the employee can enter the information on an electronic screen or hard copy items such as return receipts, and PS Forms 3811 (Domestic Return Receipt) and 3829 (Registered Dispatch Follow-Up). For increased safety, employees will politely ask the customer to step back a safe distance or close the screen door/door so that items may be left in the mail receptacle or appropriate location by the customer door.

Additionally, we have implemented cough and sneeze guards at retail outlets, set up social distancing tape guidelines, and have advised Post Offices to limit the number of customers gathering at one time in a postal facility. Our customer-facing employees also have been directed to follow state mandates regarding wearing a face-covering mask and other personal protective equipment. USPS also has distributed millions of masks, gloves, and cleaning and sanitizing products to more than 30,000 postal locations. 

Specifically, the CDC states there is still a lot that is unknown about COVID-19 and how the virus spreads. Coronaviruses are thought to be spread primarily through airborne respiratory droplets resulting from a sneeze, cough, or ordinary speech. Although the virus can survive for a short period on some surfaces, both CDC and the United States Surgeon General have indicated that it is unlikely to be spread from domestic or international mail, products, or packaging.

Can you provide information on how the USPS is keeping the mail and its employees safe?

The United States Postal Service has a dedicated COVID-19 Command Response leadership team that is focusing on the employee, operational, business, and customer continuity during this unprecedented pandemic. We continue to follow the strategies and measures recommended by CDC and public health departments. CDC has information available on its website, coronavirus.gov, to provide the latest information about COVID-19. 

To reduce health risks, we also are temporarily modifying customer signature capture procedures. While maintaining a safe, appropriate distance, employees will request the customer’s first initial and last name so that the employee can enter the information on an electronic screen or hard copy items such as return receipts, and PS Forms 3811 (Domestic Return Receipt) and 3829 (Registered Dispatch Follow-Up). For increased safety, employees will politely ask the customer to step back a safe distance or close the screen door/door so that items may be left in the mail receptacle or appropriate location by the customer door.

Additionally, we have implemented cough and sneeze guards at retail outlets, set up social distancing tape guidelines, and have advised Post Offices to limit the number of customers gathering at one time in a postal facility. Our customer-facing employees also have been directed to follow state mandates regarding wearing a face-covering mask and other personal protective equipment. USPS also has distributed millions of masks, gloves, and cleaning and sanitizing products to more than 30,000 postal locations. 

Specifically, the CDC states there is still a lot that is unknown about COVID-19 and how the virus spreads. Coronaviruses are thought to be spread primarily through airborne respiratory droplets resulting from a sneeze, cough, or ordinary speech.  Although the virus can survive for a short period on some surfaces, both CDC and the United States Surgeon General have indicated that it is unlikely to be spread from domestic or international mail, products, or packaging. 

What is the Post Office doing to maintain the CDC social distancing in the retail lobbies?

Check out the video below also.

The safety and well-being of our customers and employees are our highest priority.

To maintain a safe, appropriate distance, social distancing signs will be placed on inner and outer lobby doors. Customers will be asked to limit the Post Office lobby to no more than 10 people at a time, and keep a minimum of 6 feet between themselves and others.

Many Post Offices will have floor tape (6 feet apart) in the queue line and at the retail counter to guide with this distancing. 

All employees have been instructed on following CDC guidelines for prevention. Including: 

  • Covering coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Stay home when sick, except to get medical care.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Video - USPS: Help Us Serve You: Post Offices

Social distancing is now part of every trip to the Post Office



How safe is the mail and mail transport equipment?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states there is still a lot that is unknown about COVID-19 and how the virus spreads. Coronaviruses are thought to be spread primarily through airborne respiratory droplets resulting from a sneeze, cough, or ordinary speech. Although the virus can survive for a short period on some surfaces, both CDC and the United States Surgeon General have indicated that it is unlikely to be spread from domestic or international mail, products, or packaging.

Nonetheless, out of an abundance of caution, USPS recommends that customers follow the same CDC daily life guidelines that apply to running errands or shopping for groceries. These include washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol after accepting deliveries or collecting mail from a post office or home mailbox.


How will the extended Priority Mail service commitments due to COVID-19 (per Industry Alert 4/17/20) affect Live Shipments?

The extended Priority Mail service commitments apply to any Live shipments destined to a 2 or 3-day delivery zone. Shippers may want to consider Priority Mail Express service for those delivery areas. 

In some parts of the country does the USPS now have an every other day delivery policy?

No, it is still the USPS policy to maintain current delivery schedules nationwide. However, due to COVID-19 and employee availability, there may be temporary delays to some mail delivery. 

Does language exist requiring the prioritization of delivering medical supplies? This would be in line with the announcement yesterday at the White House briefing about FEMA Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force. Is this a USPS directive of some kind?

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Public Law 116-136, March 27, 2020, Sec. 6001(c) provided the following language: 

(c) PRIORITIZATION OF DELIVERY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES DURING COVID-19 EMERGENCY—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, during the COVID-19 emergency, the Postal Service— 

(1) shall prioritize delivery of postal products for medical purposes; and

(2) may establish temporary delivery points, in such form and manner as the Postal Service determines necessary, to protect employees of the Postal Service and individuals receiving deliveries from the Postal Service.

The Postal Service is still evaluating the impact of this language. However, we continue to move mail and packages according to the service standards for those products.

How quickly can mail be rerouted if I submit a Change of Address?

Depending on how the Change of Address is filed (via online, dropped in a collection box, or given to a retail associate/carrier), mail can start being forwarded in three to seven days. 

If a business has specific instructions on how to deliver mail to a business due to COVID-19 (i.e. having to request access via phone to enter through a now-closed gate), will the Postal Service still deliver?

Customers should contact their local Post Office to discuss special delivery instructions. 

Due to COVID-19, my facility has taken additional measures to protect the health and welfare of our employees and residents, including requiring individuals entering the facility to comply with screening requests. How is the USPS handling delivery of mail and handling these restrictions?

While we understand customers’ desire to screen individuals entering their facilities, we cannot require our letter carriers to comply with such requests. Our carriers have privacy protections under federal laws – such as the Privacy Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended) – that may be violated if we require a carrier to be subjected to precautionary screenings by customers.

Although we cannot direct a carrier to submit to precautionary screenings, the Postal Service wants to do its best to ensure our business customers and their residents receive their mail. Please contact your local Post Office to discuss alternative options instead of requiring screening. Local management will work with you to ensure that the Postal Service can maintain continuity of delivery operations for your facility.

Please refer to our latest Industry Alert titled COVID-19: Policy for Customers Requiring Visitor Medical Screenings for Letter Carriers that can be found on the USPS Industry Outreach website at the URL: https://postalpro.usps.com/industryoutreach/alert_and_notices

Will the USPS issue a national policy for Schools, colleges, and businesses that will be closed for an extended period? If so, how will this be handled?

The Postal Service has agreed to extend its normal 10-day hold to 30 days for closed businesses. Customers have the option to proactively request temporary holds of up to 30 days. Students should contact their college and university to clarify their processes because these schools independently manage their mail operations. Businesses also have the option to use Premium Forwarding Service Commercial™ to forward their mail to an alternate address. 

Will the 30-day extension be true for consumer customers as well that are not picking up their mail at this time?

The 30-day extension is being afforded to consumer customers also. At the end of the 30 days, the Postal Service will re-evaluate the situation.

How will the Premium Forward Service be supported by USPS if the end site location is impacted by a closure?

Each post office has contingency plans to offload mail to an alternate local to provide continued services to customers. 

Will there be any modifications to Certified Mail or mail requiring signature deliveries with customers? If so, how will this be supported?

One significant measure being implemented is a temporary modification to mail handling procedures for mail that requires customer signatures. We recognize the proximity and additional handling that occurs when employees must ask customers for a signature and government-issued identification when required. To reduce health risks, we are temporarily modifying customer signature capture procedures. Effective immediately and until further notice, our employees will follow the temporary process below for signature service items. This process applies to all letter carriers:

  • Avoid ringing the doorbell when possible. Knock on the customer’s door. Avoid areas that may be frequently touched when knocking.

  • While maintaining a safe, appropriate distance, employees will request the customer’s first initial and last name.

  • For increased safety, employees will ask the customer to step back a safe distance or close the screen door/door so that they may leave the item in the mail receptacle or appropriate location by the customer door.

  • If there is no response, employees will follow the normal Notice Left process.

  • If there are delivery points on the route where social distancing recommendations are difficult to follow, alternative delivery methods can be explored. (Industry Alert – 3/20/20)

Can businesses provide a temporary alternate delivery address?

Customers may contact their local postmaster or station manager for temporary alternate delivery options. The Postal Service has extended its hold policy to 30 days for closed business. 

How is USPS delivering mail under shelter-in-place declarations?

The Postal Service is classified as an essential government service operation, which allows us to continue operations.

How are items requiring a signature handled with social distancing regulations in place?

To reduce health risks, we are temporarily modifying customer signature capture procedures.

  • While maintaining a safe, appropriate distance, employees will request the customer’s first initial and last name so that the employee can enter the information on the electronic screen or hard copy items such as return receipts, PS Forms 3811 and 3829.

  • For increased safety, employees will ask the customer to step back a safe distance or close the screen door/door so that they may leave the item in the mail receptacle or appropriate location by the customer door.